go stop something horrible – half one thousand sermons

come one another
i was young and listening
every word
a sermon is poem nothing more
meaning nothing outside itself
just like money
all forgiveness
every word
or the grace and omnipotence behind it
but the sermon is a poem is a story
in and of iteself
the god we dont know has not forgiven
and never will
each and every crime and passion is forever
the god we know will end this poem
you unforgiven go
try as you might like a priest or whatever
to stay in some story
we go

go stop something horrible – ship metaphor

here on a ship somewhat tall
mostly brick
sailing briefly mantle west
westward always sailing
say the bricks beams soft pine planks plaster nails
portals telescoping inward facing south
but from what pain and suffering
ahhh fascist genteel southern midwestern halfmountain town
at falling waters oceans feet
still in wars
into the launch out to the treasure
oily and stolen
long long rusty needles i am addicted mom
go help leave it there