go stop something horrible – wishing hans creek nans soil

when i am just water
i will find the blackest smallest vein
in the rock and flow into
first i queue then i spiral down
seeking spectrum of light underground

or ride with the heavy rains
carrying myself away
flying over dry creek bed hard rock made
everything water touching
ribbon of fall stretching a mile and a mile
in moonlight that turns sycamores upside down
to drink the misting air

but when we are just water in the blackest vein
limestone calcium seems and fissures
imagine we are the sweat of rock
unseen sun sequestered all around
dangerous cavern
slow certain seeping speed
ocean of mineral
cathedral of darkness where light is
imagine yourself
tumbling down
down down down underground
tumbling tumbling tumbling down
seeping seeping thru and around
seeping seeping around and around
down down down underground
dripping everywhere there is to drip
oozing thru rock pouring in space
finding and making
deep water down underground

suddenly a vast and winding hall
graced by a chihuahua dog
washed in from a human family farm
nearly immortal mineral canine mother
she walks and crawls and sleeps and dives the watery way
every crack and fissure has her measure
every moving being her chihuahua mother blessing
she tends a shoal of jet black darters with gold and silvery stripes
she eats them with ceremony preserving them with life
she licks the cavern bumble bees as they polinate and polish the rock
constant wings fanning watery silence
her saliva limestone phosphorescence
and so their flight

water would stay here forever pleased
but spinning vastness of timely space
lowers the dry creek bed
lets in yellow calcium sipping birds
and bats and night and morning light
the water queues
and has to leave
having waited millions upon millions
of perfectly radiated moon with light

you might go in where the water comes
gently slowly up and out
if you were the life of the soil about
you might pet and sleep with chihuahua mother
if you were the life of the soil about
you might steam the tasty gold silvery striped jet black darters
where earth heat rises
transforming them as you breath
if you were the life of the soil about

in true fact you might try anything
if you were to keep the life
of the soil about

keep the life of the soil about

go stop something horrible – keep breathing please dont self immolate

were the woods a wilderness now civilness
a small fire burning to a person finding a way
would mean sustenance or violence either way
but the woods are couch with imported meadow grass
scattered elm and holly to remember by and by
tarmac baked clay bonded aggregate
constant dawn from light emitting semiconductor
blocks of rock from colliding lithosphere
piled into fine grained crystalline white

i walk to the fire despite uncertainty
finding neither sustenance nor violence
but both
strange not camp fire burning since the other day
with our brother inside
living marble eyes to see
passionate speaking lips to kiss
tender ears amplifying thunder and passion
perfectly placed nose collecting molecules of atmosphere
skin sensuous tender touch
all burning violence vacuum of faith

how can i unaccept left smoldering embers of love
lighting way to look for persons missing
human wilderness civil society
see hear smell touch taste

i cannot
say foraging calling crows from ever woods perching all over and about
quarried white

go stop something horrible – garbage of bituminous

burning into soft sticky mass
out of firedamp and bags of foulness
sign of life first cells
blooming whatcha call it
i am that
even on my back on a steel bench staring up and out an airport skylight
waiting for the light
soil life
rising up breathing
upon trillions
on billions
on millions on thousands
on hundreds on tens
on this one spine
i am that fungal vertibrate
when to be shovelled away
burned with so many salamanders
source of so many waters
Till theyUME UNenthrall themsUSelves:
where is the
soul of a mountain forever lost

go stop something horrible – colonizer revelling in gifts near drumshadows and circledfire

i for one until the end of this poem
am not laughing
a graft is a grail is not a gleam
streams unstreamed for pell mell rail
thirtysix spirits driven forever
until the next great universes veil
am not laughing at
extruded methane rattling in the ojo of fallen water

i was transported in a bus in the dark
into a place
where water stops to breathe
and so beautiful light darkness before sunrise revealed

a slow pause of stream
suddenly becoming a seeming sea of its own

gladelike idyllic alabama woods secluded
creek roiling down hard sediment from old mountains of old seas
a sea cascading down
triple the height of old tall trees
a sea with its own rising clowds of
water and air as nowhere else anywhere
a brief fast forceful sea at whose bottom
after whirl of portal of roaring whitewater
three stone throws from the pause of the creek above
another seeming
this time a lagoon
to forever
gated by hardwood and pine

so in still water as if a horizon
below creek as sea a late moon finds schooling fish
loving lantern sister of earth
transcending into as they move about
freshly stirred still water almost to vortex at bottom of falls
where full force of water tons
water and passing moments
fish glowing seen thru superslowmotion stream sea shapeshifting clouds

i feel the youghiogheny since fivehundred moons
as a young man curled in a ball
born under the roaring
water from viginia mountains coming to the great gulf
now dream of being chained under this stream vortex
to shred away

i borrow and give back fourhundredseventythree words
reimagining story of tiesnake spirit underwater
slithering with power greater than tons
pulling under
whichever it might choose
this snake black and secreting extruding methane in the ojo of fallen water

less than hundreds we walk as more than thousands
slowly down both steep stream banks toward the glowing swimming fish
hands on trees and jutting rocks feet on steep soil moss and rock
into still water a circle around fish all swimming water ballet
they leave beneath us we breast stroke toward the falls
and join hands rising to stand
glowing ourselves in sister moon
and then tiesnake chooses

but it matters not which no hands let go
strength more than millions we walk as chain
holding eachother
into and part of creek roiling down hard sediment from old mountains of old seas
black tiesnake dragging behind
up through superslowmotion shapeshifting clouds
up to idyllic alabama slow pause of stream
we wade in and circle all dancing water soiree
black tiesnake drifts toward sun not sister moon we let it go

now i am lauging
and splashing

and breathing with water

go stop something horrible – strength of central stanza in dance prayer flight

night before
some dance around campfire
beside busy highway
i want to lose my soul
into the very air
thru moving hands and feet
toes and fingers

morning of
some speak to many circled
masked huddled drizzling rain
“words before all else
this life is sacred
water is life
one great mother river
my ancestors and all their relatives”

just as
flocking many blackbirds in tall trees
setting way on the road
crow and hawk
face to face breathing together
on rowhouse rooftops
and treetops allover the island

coming days for always many walking in

land stolen words stolen from anishinaabe prayer

go stop something horrible – song about maury

sleeping near a hero
it was the rain pouring
over the sound of background trains
cars trucks busy busy highway
repeating varied in tone and volume motor whine passing by
sometimes low fast quiet waterspray
hero sleeping over by woodstove
sometimes soft quiet low gentle snoring
rocking rhythmic gentle imploring
hero for clean waters
every heart and cell
of every living thing
and the living rock and run
atmosphere biosphere
lungs soil mantle magma space
seemingly vast lonely empty always space
the hero rests
briefly on a journey to certain
sea around between
mountains honesty justice please