from sea of fire
human embers
rise in billowing smoke
and rain as sprinkled blood
returning to ocean
Category: community
so lit up
speak of happiness onemore
long in placetime
two lights on behind
my baby left me
leaving hate
thinking memory pain
fading understanding why
consciousness unaffected
here with less
is somehow more and more
unemptying emptiness
i believe him
come out here
swollen fruit dumped chemicals long evaporated
into struggle to worklive with respect
and desperation-bred grandiose plans
with new money
from dubai-on-patapsco
aint it truth
short life shorter youth no other
chew mealy apples chased with gin
phones ringless in mud
begging for moments
haters lovers cash and carry
your innerfish sauteed in streamingsun and flowers
swallow wideyed at ringing bells
someone step out of rainbow
it could be you
mass forward in maelstrom
standing good
in uninterrupted disturbance
everlasting uncertainty
to be swept away
honor of selection
common standard
achievement housing health wellbeing
decent living
pleasing and worthy
for up and coming
substandardly housed people in need
carefully selected mainly family
in doomed wasteful toxic industry of allocation
more difficult than providing for all
plowman to wildrose
you in woodsedge
leave dusty fields and me
checkerboard crew
paddy on atlantic highway
tearing through gale ice and rain
bells ringing
stars bearing
course possessed
seas spitting whiskey breath
art of scars gold of brass
love my brother seaman
or kiss my fucking ass
one table
infinite mass
measured in a few test tubes
stuffed into some old fruit jars
for days
dense superheated
monarchs spreading through mountains valleys