a eutaw place

babies and spiders are water web spanning womb and world

our blue eyed koi leapt out of its pond
so we found it not breathing
on the bricks next day
it belongs to the universe
more than me

forever shriek promenade
how do you not hold a most beautiful flower
and petals start falling

so charlie and i are walking out west
all the way to pan handle
golden gate

from some kind of garden
hope free

a eutaw place fountain at sunrise
(eutaw place was building when skrik was painted – this planet has demonstrated over and over that whatever it comes up with after we are gone will be beautiful)

detergent for capital (fire!)

buckets from the well
with the slavery the wars the biosphere destruction
every stain of sweat
by the river come to launder
all of us washing for the holidays

investment bank and financial services at sunrise
(from reverdy thru catherine and beyond, some feel a need to launder money more vigorously than the rest of us)

rock promontory

in west baltimore you find rock
hetch-hetchy-like promontories
but oh my.
banners of snow in a winter wind
ice on fire in a spring sunrise
huddled pine swelling ten thousand summers
autumn stalwart big moon mirror
death and peace in the mountains
fountain of life
we breathe we climb

park and cathedral at sunrise
(elijah cummings has been fighting the fascist coup since before j20)

windwaters aguasviento

please forgive the language of a rapist
but we are in amerigo no longer
shores mountains plains mountains shores islands
thru two great oceans
pole to pole
walking resting filtering dreaming
the same one breathing
we are
in windwaters
por favor disculpe el idioma del violador
pero somos en amerigo ya no
orillas montanas llanos montanas orillas islas
en los dos mares
polo a polo
caminando reposando filtrando sonando
el mismo respirando
en aguasviento

oak tree at sunrise
(baltimore, surrounding the port of baltimore, strove to welcome in 2018. rip kevin zeese.)


desert ocean moraine bowl mound dune
sand blows in out
moving waiting on
silicon oxygen oxygen nail hair bone
collagen aorta
swirling minerals exploding volcanoes
always digging
never bury

public health office space at sunrise
(the johns hopkins hospital resumed including gender-affirmation surgery in services offered to transgender patients in 2017)

medi c/t ate

many times great god mother
walking calmly toward center
in a maze assembled over one thousand years
gathering oxygen to core
winds around
gathering oxygen to core
works out
gathering oxygen to core
switches forever

center of wellness at sunrise
(erricka bridgeford prompted every one to be mindful of the violence in and around them, organizing a ceasefire that started in 2017 and continues)

you die i’ll eat (unbridged)

in spite of our insignificance the fiery trial to the next generation stormy present enthrall our no democracy

devotion not perish


president street station at sunrise
(the baltimore symphony orchestra performed a lincoln portrait a month after oligarchs managing northern asia assumed executive control of the united states in 2017)

row mytopia

body of prisoner restless seizing breathless on shore
light on water quiet and slow
dripping from the oar
toward a tunnel out there an island
a kiss in a short and happy dream

rowing on the Patapsco at sunrise
(in 2016 the city began investing half a billion dollars to build out the dream of a clothing manufacturer to grab shoreline and profit from leasing office, residential, and retail space)