words in rhythm of armies assembled with spears and shields from rowed sailing ships
feint through vast spaces in atoms near those sitting outside on starry nights
psalms in antiphony of dazzling light decaying shadows in canon
reverberate rising gliding down carved stone and glass
stories in passion aria duet trio ensemble
infuse in wax and waves of radio
buzzing chaotic humanity
voices sounds
Category: sustainability
fully lighted with fires
benjamin franklin butler camps in the warrens under federal hill
each day slowly in full uniform walks to the artillery
fires a shot into the heart of our city
our soldiers die east west southeast southwest
we have not surrendered
have not been destroyed
until we lift overhead our swords
then humbly lay them down
he pummels us like slowly dripping water
drawing out somewhere
cloud pillars etch lines around tired city faces
shadows push away from bright lights
moses uturns
myth hopelessly lost
pouring concrete into river of life
chariots heave gravel and sand
dry waters muddy land divide
children wall around pursuing encircles
sea becomes tarmac
aggregate of souls cast aside
and souls rotting iron in acid rain
flowing eddying promised hatred
some walk on utterly confused
moses, take the free way to egypt
command love and peace
a sailor returning
holds firm
ninety ways of smelling water
ripping into every meal
aortas veins feeding filtering
nerves ringing in wind
each day a space sealed and stowed
jet propelled through twisting time
on the rim of dim dark implosion
before memory stops
so many pretty flowers
why do you animate me
cast me into space and time
from earth
still and lonely
some hands muscle neuron beauty
hold you
here and there this and that
facebanging newly opened rose
deep convicted luminous
echoing color
petals brown loam
green blackening sepals leaflitter
dried fruits wingsown gutfermented
earthnectar dispersing shimmering sungrains
ephemeraternal beauty
tinkling symphony in roomsoul
justice came near
stay my love
10-d 3-a here
is place somewhere
to go around under fly over
but never casually pass through
floating compressed
precisely positioned stress
randomly self-assembled
sailing in sun
launching out dark
feeding on rusted green leaves
steeling into bright colors
swarming frenzied flight of logic
counter-current realty
fields of ore
slowly rain down coked solar fire updraft
roaring chamber explosion music
pooling separate
bleeding trickle into veins
tendriling opiate through biomass
automatrons harvest
feeding engineerimmortal dreams
in the basis of data available
voices in lines of chairs in a hall
marching steps through a street
signs in a square
electron magnetic moments
disorient and fade in random city
wanting electricity
sustained and renewed
in extradimensional grid of passion