thorny brambles chancewind swept
miles and miles of labyrinth
around pools seenandrumored
magic carpets flyingover
crash in tumblingscratchingskids
stopandfind the painachingsorryguiltymess
loudly contemplate
each footwoundpiercing step

thorny brambles chancewind swept
miles and miles of labyrinth
around pools seenandrumored
magic carpets flyingover
crash in tumblingscratchingskids
stopandfind the painachingsorryguiltymess
loudly contemplate
each footwoundpiercing step
sacked by kingstroops
wanton mischief pavement shattered
doors windows demolished
furniture fragments
family pictures ground tatters
fruit-trees down
fragments scattered around
shivered explosion shadows
they come upon leave us in extremitie
red moon through clouds where the dead shall be
bodies corporate perpetuating duration percentum
sheltering rent property public
dwelling not with standing
aggregating mutual covenants
safety healthy morals
from axe hammer plane
turning fitting
schematic operation aligned adjusted predicted
hydraulic pneumatic
flying and setting
bearings and cables
soaring cranes wheeling spinning
say war
say fight
say christ
say them
say us
wave wandyfingerpointingswirlinghands
cast the ancientfuturespells
liberty in
losing using
ones own money in ones own way
or someones else notwatchings
finance unmediocre
money as light coursing
numbing strange selfsuffocatingabortion
accelerating phoenixcinders
trip on bay line ship
every minute thru and thru
packet on ocean home
shallow water tumbling
teargas dancing
unconstrained combustion
fuels illusorycompressed timespace
leaving seemingempty places
sortofnotreally littered
with concentrated purchases
stateless events
from sea of fire
human embers
rise in billowing smoke
and rain as sprinkled blood
returning to ocean
speak of happiness onemore
long in placetime