been zine

slashing story of coconut hacks palm
hectares in forced labor
hydrocarbon driversupplying chains
ships trains hauling boiling
filtering through human sweat skin
incense sacred st our hope
daphnia magna culex pipiens tubifex rivulorum lymnaea vulgaris rana cyanophlyctis cirrhina mrigala back river
sky of how many billion billion moons
all free clear sweet blue cell in almost empty everyplace

warehouse over former soap factory at sunrise
(production of all, wisk, and snuggle at 5300 holabird avenue ceased in 2014)

up from cabin branch

north of schooners wooden freighters concrete steamers sidewheel barges
violets arbutus honeysuckle pansies chinquapin berries
poplar popland elm elmtree cedar ceddox
twenty eight shades of red orange brick towering
walking back into matrix of soil
rooted revolution

brick faced steel water tower and community garden and industrial port at sunrise
(in 2009 the filbert street community garden became)


my mere embroidering
would be thread around and around inside the square
starts meeting ends
absorbing spring

oncoming traffic on steel bridge at sunrise
(hannah brancato, joan m. e. gaither, deletta gillespie, rebecca nagle, kalima young launched the monument quilt in 2013)

counting air keep spitting

some never leave mothers ocean
others breathe
three hundred ten million
more to share than
did you say
“and there was never a respite from the battle”
bringing my transchild
to meet your son

downtown from east baltimore at sunrise

(young moose released otm2 and opened out of the mud clothing on monument street in 2014)