a eutaw place

babies and spiders are water web spanning womb and world

our blue eyed koi leapt out of its pond
so we found it not breathing
on the bricks next day
it belongs to the universe
more than me

forever shriek promenade
how do you not hold a most beautiful flower
and petals start falling

so charlie and i are walking out west
all the way to pan handle
golden gate

from some kind of garden
hope free

a eutaw place fountain at sunrise
(eutaw place was building when skrik was painted – this planet has demonstrated over and over that whatever it comes up with after we are gone will be beautiful)


huge aqua pearl reflecting two turtles
floating between toss and whack
counting days
rose peach mortar brick iced in early sun
floating over creamy mud
street in bloom
bronze wings lift flyer running
on crests of waves
marking days
magnetic portal curtain of water
dark gray filament out of orange pink soaring rock
valley in mountain
cast into grimace stabbing metal spectrum twisting
misery into laughter
shaping days
white plum blossoms preserved
resting cratered in cobalt melting half life
snow in blue space

museum at sunrise, center street from cathedral street, baltimore

(the walters art museum applied a creative commons zero: no rights reserved license to its digital images in 2011)

where is the bridge

pictures and stories are windows in walls i don’t see past
a black mirror
warm blood on skin yellow white black
someone washing away toward a vast ocean
i navigate by echo

red black yellow white at sunrise
(the reginald f lewis museum of maryland african american history and culture opened on president and pratt streets in 2005)

into pools

valkerae crawling thru bright rings of perception
lostlove stabbed and bleeding play rebirth in dripping velvet
arresting music draws them into kaleidoscope writhing zombie snakes
disappearing in paintsplash come to life in ballet circus serpent coalescing
float apart as dreams swirl and collide in drowning passion
unfurl as sails flying in ocean blood red glittering gold
windbuzzing canvass folds mantis fly beetle bee combusting popping clapping hands
smoke flattens screening filtering shapes into stop and go
protofungoteria oxygen fueled cellsuponcells reptofloweringflying glitterdelight
they sing the waging war of sundust conquerlust eartharvest in laughter
march in loudly colored ballooning hoops of lovechild rhyme
step onto fourwheeled footcarts in globemirrored zoomrevue
waterglobe dancestorm seaquesting in bluegreenscarletyellow
portalexploring in darkcrime
rolling sold out streets into forcefield happiness
sleuthingtopia slaverybuilt boomsechoing
fantasies disintegrating deconstructing into lifestoria
reelspinturnwhirling soundunfurious stretching spiralfate they celebrate

city pool at sunrise
(fluid movement staged their first water ballet in 1999 in patterson park)

the movie party

in a post industrial city sixteen car lot between a three story commercial rowhouse and a four story garage among dry cleaners and metal clubs and pricey restaurants a masquerade of merchants generals sailors steelworkers storytellers healers and survivalists mingle in costumes from around north america and the world in front of a mural in brick and mortar as it begins to move change speed up slow down darken explode clarify and fade. they chat orate gesture swoon and watch to understand what is dying and what is being born but agree on a definitive statement with an unexpected twist

movie house at sunrise
(the maryland film festival, after fits and starts under different titles spanning almost thirty years, began in 1999 with the charles theater as the venue, after an opening screening at the senator)

really big show

singing strutters drift in from deep ocean
whistling stomping
squealing plucking
barking blowing
chuckling serenading
wailing swirling
in blue orange black white
gathered separate focused diffused
sculpting color
windows doors poles trees cars cobbles frame
water flowing exploded fading
shops steps
assembling arranging
out of unseen sayers seers
neighboring culturing
flying in timelight

fell street at sunrise
(the creative alliance started out as the fells point creative alliance from margaret footner’s café on fell street in 1995)

pando human

walk into a forest trembling gold silver yellow
see six thousand tons ringing breathing as one grain
taste pollen blooming ten thousand springs
walk forty thousand feet of dispersed light with each step
hear forty thousand engines working in whisper
smell eighty thousand sun orbits as one second
meaning has found you

cosmic galaxy egg at sunrise
(the american visionary opened at 800 key highway in 1995 with the tree of life—andrew logan sculpted cosmic galaxy egg in 2004)


you wont remember
packages from china near sisson and twentyeighth
large numbers from medical centers
cramming spaces under streets
confinement by physicians researchers planners engineers
smelling organic explosives
escaping in locksprawl ambush
primal urge to consume polaralterizing diet
shapeshifting inside and out
until alienselfreunion
in streets of pure celebration

lizards at sunrise
(records and a map of murals installed since 1987 are published by the city https://outcomestat.baltimorecity.gov/dataset/Baltimore-City-Murals-Project-1987-to-Present-Map/7riw-dcxk, which started funding murals in 1975—john ellsberry created the reptiles moving east from jones falls crossing 28th on sisson)