go stop something horrible – rose cannery in space oddly (steinbeck bowie smashup) –

take your protein pills
while not a model of neatness
suspended plankton
warranted for (m)any voyage or climate
most delicate animal substances for sea stores and inland consumption
served up at any moment
fish in tin around the globe,
those mad landjobbers who didnt let the kings armynavy set fire
fire fire friendly colonizer fire
put bio in the tin can
brought the guano around the cape,
the tin can started stretching out
even like a burrowing hollow black snake
genie of miracle stuffed in stoppered burned spewed
even bio like tin so to put bio in the bio can
stretching out
even in the streets the kings armynavy set fire
even around the body and soul of every last comrade.
feeling the oxygen getting low,
you bio in the bio can pipe?
cry out
find the crack in the tin
travel in tight schools
feed and feed on plankton
even rise in shallow waters in a bright moon when you must
tear apart the tin
especially exquisitely welded Central Cell Block holding cells tin
where you cant help but know youre inside it
bio in tin can
miracle of supply
put your helmet on