a eutaw place

babies and spiders are water web spanning womb and world

our blue eyed koi leapt out of its pond
so we found it not breathing
on the bricks next day
it belongs to the universe
more than me

forever shriek promenade
how do you not hold a most beautiful flower
and petals start falling

so charlie and i are walking out west
all the way to pan handle
golden gate

from some kind of garden
hope free

a eutaw place fountain at sunrise
(eutaw place was building when skrik was painted – this planet has demonstrated over and over that whatever it comes up with after we are gone will be beautiful)

things coming bump

phased arrays beamforming parallel
small cell
millimeter waves
one million per mile
enhanced mobile low latency machine
some bodies mission gone critical
thy soul alone
threat hardening code refresh
handshake protocol ready
one last free breath
convert to thing

small cell at sunrise
(the franchise installing 5g routers on city streets, led by a 9m/year ceo, is paying the city a nominal fee to lease more than 1100 routers to telecom companies charging fees regulated by the federal communications commission—you could be throttled less but you couldn’t pay more)

windwaters aguasviento

please forgive the language of a rapist
but we are in amerigo no longer
shores mountains plains mountains shores islands
thru two great oceans
pole to pole
walking resting filtering dreaming
the same one breathing
we are
in windwaters
por favor disculpe el idioma del violador
pero somos en amerigo ya no
orillas montanas llanos montanas orillas islas
en los dos mares
polo a polo
caminando reposando filtrando sonando
el mismo respirando
en aguasviento

oak tree at sunrise
(baltimore, surrounding the port of baltimore, strove to welcome in 2018. rip kevin zeese.)


desert ocean moraine bowl mound dune
sand blows in out
moving waiting on
silicon oxygen oxygen nail hair bone
collagen aorta
swirling minerals exploding volcanoes
always digging
never bury

public health office space at sunrise
(the johns hopkins hospital resumed including gender-affirmation surgery in services offered to transgender patients in 2017)

surface of last scattering

which is fuel when is dawn
leftover heat from our last biggest explosion
white hot fog becoming black body lovingly measured
every photon casts a shadow
every thought a sunfilled meadow

light tower outside bloomberg center at sunrise
(the cosmology large angular scale surveyor saw first wave in 2016)

rock bottom velocity

orbs lofted into gentle arc
falling toward event horizon
speed of center
spinning motion
surrounding air buffeting flight
uneven friction unbalancing
gravities love embraces

shot tower and key bridge at sunrise
(in 1961 baltimore became, and now remains, the only city with championships in the american basketball league, national basketball association, and eastern professional basketball league)

fractal starbus

under our tarmac brick and mostly clay
fungi wires seeping pipes measured light
soil thru shoes thru brain in sky
capital entropy underneath
enzymes unshared
instead of leaves stretching sun gathering water together.

so some days
is it the weather my fingers feel like dying
material ceasing to cycle
nutrients not flowing

north avenue from fulton avenue at sunrise
(freddie gray was murdered by police in 2015 for no apparent reason)

been zine

slashing story of coconut hacks palm
hectares in forced labor
hydrocarbon driversupplying chains
ships trains hauling boiling
filtering through human sweat skin
incense sacred st our hope
daphnia magna culex pipiens tubifex rivulorum lymnaea vulgaris rana cyanophlyctis cirrhina mrigala back river
sky of how many billion billion moons
all free clear sweet blue cell in almost empty everyplace

warehouse over former soap factory at sunrise
(production of all, wisk, and snuggle at 5300 holabird avenue ceased in 2014)

up from cabin branch

north of schooners wooden freighters concrete steamers sidewheel barges
violets arbutus honeysuckle pansies chinquapin berries
poplar popland elm elmtree cedar ceddox
twenty eight shades of red orange brick towering
walking back into matrix of soil
rooted revolution

brick faced steel water tower and community garden and industrial port at sunrise
(in 2009 the filbert street community garden became)