curtz v bombadil

now we lose our river daughter
burrowing further down
thorium mobile radio nuclide
metamorphic rock
water lilies sun sinking
open hill living pool
years end down deep forest water
dark door opens wide
world self mend unborder

toxic pollutants and NOx at sunrise, south baltimore, patapsco
(in 2010 brandon shores and wagner stations began releasing over two million pounds of toxic pollutants per year onto south baltimore, who remains in the ninety-ninth percentile in the u.s. for exposure to toxic releases–NOx from burning the coal is also killing the chesapeake bay)


old pine floors shellac and sun newly poured some clothes saved
from missed heart sailing in mortar and plank
there was a kid i knew as a boy
now is the beauty i hold on
were we met here flying apart fast
your better truth dear
arm in arm trees and grain
nothing same
matter can be time
south facing windows
body infinite stretching eyes sift gold
brick ships for miles we ask we hear

thames street at sunrise

(beach house released teen dream in 2010)