instant ahead reach rolling
by the lee knots of wind
figurehead smiling
apeak aport apparent horizon
come about
safe anchorage
last ever living the mile

instant ahead reach rolling
by the lee knots of wind
figurehead smiling
apeak aport apparent horizon
come about
safe anchorage
last ever living the mile
please forgive the language of a rapist
but we are in amerigo no longer
shores mountains plains mountains shores islands
thru two great oceans
pole to pole
walking resting filtering dreaming
the same one breathing
we are
in windwaters
por favor disculpe el idioma del violador
pero somos en amerigo ya no
orillas montanas llanos montanas orillas islas
en los dos mares
polo a polo
caminando reposando filtrando sonando
el mismo respirando
en aguasviento
<garden> spiders in a kitchen physic green
washing with alpine tea
knotting paradise
keepers of zen
desert ocean moraine bowl mound dune
sand blows in out
moving waiting on
silicon oxygen oxygen nail hair bone
collagen aorta
swirling minerals exploding volcanoes
always digging
never bury
this is a dirge for some one loved others unloved
you were old and broken necked washing in with the surf
you were a middleaged son on the street bleeding out
you were hustling then flying skullfirst into a banquet corridor floor
you were the fearful trigger child
you or ford or chevy drove the pickup truck
there was some other thing
you pickedup a whole fucking lot
cadence lil here ‘sure mic 2 swing
ictus stress tones sense u ate
thump cadence ynot hellish live day
ynject groove trail redtape
patter can’nade devilstat
avise otide copy sprintup
pearltrump bitchoice finepip
exhaust bambooze desolate
right ~ on ~ over ~ falls ~ the ~ way
thump cadence some say beautys pain
oof lets ingend distressed bereft
brade a shakewhip grindfile
echo hammers
all ~ on ~ our ~ side ~ so ~ stay ~ no
thump cadence we live dying today
someone wrapped a gloved hand around his ungloved hand and weapon
gloved hands all round
like someone locking inside locks from outside
who would have seen is no one
someone hold his bleeding head in your lap
wipe their blood off a ceramic floor
some one every one
here the last chunk of dried blood on our fingers
refuse to war
inventing our selves community
numberable parts animal
numberable machine
numberable pieces growing green
onlysomany atomic
(fusion fission inevitable it seems)
many times great god mother
walking calmly toward center
in a maze assembled over one thousand years
gathering oxygen to core
winds around
gathering oxygen to core
works out
gathering oxygen to core
switches forever