whose guardrail

gathering gaining advancing
all nations society salvation
first step front line there

strength from all things

no matter where they read it
whose god they say said it
a means to prevent or deter access to peace love understanding
is making shit up

near facebook address for 300 gangstas at sunrise
(300 gangstas came together during the uprising after freddie gray was murdered for no apparent reason by police in 2015)

brightred cityline

red line as bloodline
red line under bottomline
red line of fiery sun in pipeline
red line twisted into lighttwine
red line restoration neighborhood community prometheancityinvestmentline

border of small city with no rapid mass transit at sunrise
(the governor of maryland defunded the red line in 2015 without bothering to ask the city and county about providing more tax increment financing and private investment, the ‘president’ of the united states approved the racist and self-serving decision in 2017)

a los aficionados

words about our fraught body beautiful
sky in spring egg blue
struggle passion
matadors and gravity
baseballs flying straight pure natural
nobody nothing but here

from the playground at the city at sunrise
(the orioles played to no one once in 2015 after freddie gray was murdered by police for no apparent reason)

fractal starbus

under our tarmac brick and mostly clay
fungi wires seeping pipes measured light
soil thru shoes thru brain in sky
capital entropy underneath
enzymes unshared
instead of leaves stretching sun gathering water together.

so some days
is it the weather my fingers feel like dying
material ceasing to cycle
nutrients not flowing

north avenue from fulton avenue at sunrise
(freddie gray was murdered by police in 2015 for no apparent reason)

up next

love deep inside
who is well protected
small arms fire
speak up
veiling of soft purple

deadly intersection at sunrise
(lor scoota was killed at harford road and cold spring lane/moravia road in 2014)

counting air keep spitting

some never leave mothers ocean
others breathe
three hundred ten million
more to share than
did you say
“and there was never a respite from the battle”
bringing my transchild
to meet your son

downtown from east baltimore at sunrise

(young moose released otm2 and opened out of the mud clothing on monument street in 2014)

where is the bridge

pictures and stories are windows in walls i don’t see past
a black mirror
warm blood on skin yellow white black
someone washing away toward a vast ocean
i navigate by echo

red black yellow white at sunrise
(the reginald f lewis museum of maryland african american history and culture opened on president and pratt streets in 2005)

blue avengers in narco federation

Mantra Missile leaps into the ring through ropes
800 pounds 4 heads 16 limbs loaded
chops handles thrusts elbows scrapes smash butts rams knees kicks
lariats palms punches sentons stomps blocks splashes clothesline drops
blue on black avenger
versus Hardened Target
shapeshifting statemorphing maelstromswirling
Mantra Missile declusters exploding
foes smitten
shreds shelled
mats covered
shrieks writhing
wasted laying
hearts unavailing
broken travailing
audience roars and crackles in fever
No Person standing

reisterstown road after sunrise
(in 1997 jeffrey alston was paralyzed by four police after a speeding stop on reisterstown road)

fully lighted with fires

benjamin franklin butler camps in the warrens under federal hill
each day slowly in full uniform walks to the artillery
fires a shot into the heart of our city
our soldiers die east west southeast southwest
we have not surrendered
have not been destroyed
until we lift overhead our swords
then humbly lay them down
he pummels us like slowly dripping water

urban revelopment at sunrise
(a 1983 a civil rights commission assessment of city economic development recommended greater effort to foster black businesses, more equitable commercial lending, increased city contracting with black businesses, increased access to technical and management training for black community members, more aggressive corporate affirmative action, more relevant job training for unemployed community members, and immediate and concerted action to reduce unemployment—the mayor’s office responded that it was false to assume “that a government like ours bears sole responsibility for producing results”)