in spite of our insignificance the fiery trial to the next generation stormy present enthrall our no democracy
devotion not perish

in spite of our insignificance the fiery trial to the next generation stormy present enthrall our no democracy
devotion not perish
gathering gaining advancing
all nations society salvation
first step front line there
strength from all things
no matter where they read it
whose god they say said it
a means to prevent or deter access to peace love understanding
is making shit up
words about our fraught body beautiful
sky in spring egg blue
struggle passion
matadors and gravity
baseballs flying straight pure natural
nobody nothing but here
love deep inside
who is well protected
small arms fire
speak up
veiling of soft purple
some never leave mothers ocean
others breathe
three hundred ten million
more to share than
did you say
“and there was never a respite from the battle”
bringing my transchild
to meet your son
frackgas exploding under postpunk tunnelcore
whirlybirds would jam away
give us your liquid when you must die
you take your sleep
sounds that circle around and around a globe
sounds known to never stop
sounds strands leading inward encoding invertebrate sounds
old pine floors shellac and sun newly poured some clothes saved
from missed heart sailing in mortar and plank
there was a kid i knew as a boy
now is the beauty i hold on
were we met here flying apart fast
your better truth dear
arm in arm trees and grain
nothing same
matter can be time
south facing windows
body infinite stretching eyes sift gold
brick ships for miles we ask we hear
a forever known only to themselves jaw breaking
steel ribbed tools of selfsound strident banquet playing
blood as noise rising high grinding down
loud bright points dark matrix strenuous
hell ranging
songbirthing pound
consuming marrow and muscle splitting ear
electrons chaotic mind rule children
chord soaring shipmates riotous marque
shooting horizontal furious stars
infinite atonal binary prima
expressive hell crashing
steel fire lense laser apocalyptics profound
where trains go manic
live nativity fast heavy plasma sound
ocean distills in drips of
wood brass steel animal vibrating
as the teller felt
warmth and light in dark
islands into whales
seahorses into mares into colts
birds and fire
notes dying dancing step
turn toward
mountains diving down into sea
running with tiger soaring walls
flickering cave