fractal starbus

under our tarmac brick and mostly clay
fungi wires seeping pipes measured light
soil thru shoes thru brain in sky
capital entropy underneath
enzymes unshared
instead of leaves stretching sun gathering water together.

so some days
is it the weather my fingers feel like dying
material ceasing to cycle
nutrients not flowing

north avenue from fulton avenue at sunrise
(freddie gray was murdered by police in 2015 for no apparent reason)

been zine

slashing story of coconut hacks palm
hectares in forced labor
hydrocarbon driversupplying chains
ships trains hauling boiling
filtering through human sweat skin
incense sacred st our hope
daphnia magna culex pipiens tubifex rivulorum lymnaea vulgaris rana cyanophlyctis cirrhina mrigala back river
sky of how many billion billion moons
all free clear sweet blue cell in almost empty everyplace

warehouse over former soap factory at sunrise
(production of all, wisk, and snuggle at 5300 holabird avenue ceased in 2014)

counting air keep spitting

some never leave mothers ocean
others breathe
three hundred ten million
more to share than
did you say
“and there was never a respite from the battle”
bringing my transchild
to meet your son

downtown from east baltimore at sunrise

(young moose released otm2 and opened out of the mud clothing on monument street in 2014)

where is the bridge

pictures and stories are windows in walls i don’t see past
a black mirror
warm blood on skin yellow white black
someone washing away toward a vast ocean
i navigate by echo

red black yellow white at sunrise
(the reginald f lewis museum of maryland african american history and culture opened on president and pratt streets in 2005)

kilocalories per capita

festively slim and trim
baking inspiration
pure cane dark light white
sticky brown removed
crystals like time
sprinkled through canneries and pharmacies and photogalleries
moving hands and feet on whirling explosion electric machines
excess manufacturing amnesia

whirely crane at sunrise
(the baltimore museum of industry, founded in 1977, hosted the award of the first schaeffer industrialist of the year award, which honored a domino sugar executive, in 2004)

fully lighted with fires

benjamin franklin butler camps in the warrens under federal hill
each day slowly in full uniform walks to the artillery
fires a shot into the heart of our city
our soldiers die east west southeast southwest
we have not surrendered
have not been destroyed
until we lift overhead our swords
then humbly lay them down
he pummels us like slowly dripping water

urban revelopment at sunrise
(a 1983 a civil rights commission assessment of city economic development recommended greater effort to foster black businesses, more equitable commercial lending, increased city contracting with black businesses, increased access to technical and management training for black community members, more aggressive corporate affirmative action, more relevant job training for unemployed community members, and immediate and concerted action to reduce unemployment—the mayor’s office responded that it was false to assume “that a government like ours bears sole responsibility for producing results”)

not my maryland

despots filled the streets
cobbled with ignorance born from greed
bastard sons and daughters of mother hell
will snuggle in parlors with empty words and moldy swords
thirty thousand new suns could not wrest the nightmare of your torture
your hurled bricks pieces of iron and coal epithets a lunatic babble
as you writhe in self-forged chains beneath your hell bitch mother
puss oozing from your blistering flecked faces mountains streams
murderous premeditated with no soul to yield or defend
distant thunder soundless in the void
that could have been hearts beating with the earth

pratt over jones falls at sunrise
(in 1861 baltimore citizens started the killing in the civil war by attacking massachusetts soldiers who were on their way to washington and travelling west on pratt street making a railway transfer—a maryland native living in louisiana who was sympathetic to the murderers wrote a silly poem that is now the maryland state song


woolfolk slatter donovan purvis campbell harker denning
wilson hines fairbanks kephart anderson accinelly,
chained cargo to walk or be hauled down pratt in the middle of the night
to ships agent architect hyperion general pinckney intelligence kirkwood tippecanoe and victorine
and new orleans
uncounted sons or daughters or sisters or brothers or fathers or mothers or lovers.
cash for seamstresses
small fancy girls
highest prices
always buying.
here is the short list to find our lost soul
adjustment amends atonement
indemnification indemnity
recompense recoupment redress refund reimbursement remuneration repayment reprisal requital restitution retaliation
satisfaction settlement

west pratt street at sunrise
(several large slave-traders operated from locations around pratt street in the mid-19th century)

inbreeding the clipper

an osprey appeared in the mist
a falling meteorite into the harbor
almost unseen.
another soared twisting turning
outmaneuvering five crows giving chase.
a third skimmed to me
and became a beetle as it landed on my hand
large pincers for piercing fruit
eyes blood red and large for walking in dark shadows
serrated fangs for injecting venom
long antennae curled into smoke
reaching in my nose and oozing out my ears.
i put it in my mouth chewed and swallowed
so my children leave faint traces of its indigo exoskeleton
with each footstep

from swann park at sunrise
(designs adapted from the baltimore clipper were used to build slave-trade ships in the mid-19th century)

maryland imperial

the board believe
the colonists are happy and contented and comfortable
removed from contact with the laboring population from europe
amalgamating the subjects of king freeman
indebted for the great blessing of christianity
the injurious and burdensome replaced by the white.
and still we let boards attempt to believe.
restore the wages

mount clare at sunrise
(the maryland state colonization society was incorporated in 1831, charles carroll was on the board)