once before
been the same
all about this thing
stare stopping victim
moments a lifetime
strange and simple
lost in a river
love is dark.
dark and blue

once before
been the same
all about this thing
stare stopping victim
moments a lifetime
strange and simple
lost in a river
love is dark.
dark and blue
bodies corporate perpetuating duration percentum
sheltering rent property public
dwelling not with standing
aggregating mutual covenants
safety healthy morals
say war
say fight
say christ
say them
say us
wave wandyfingerpointingswirlinghands
cast the ancientfuturespells
liberty in
losing using
ones own money in ones own way
or someones else notwatchings
finance unmediocre
money as light coursing
numbing strange selfsuffocatingabortion
accelerating phoenixcinders