swimming pool age

area to flowing water
a time volume velocity
upstream momentum in density
fluid flowing streamline fashion
long ropes tie off
persons pulling
weight ground on feet
horizontal separation center of mass
red river
jatavious jamarcus takeitha litrelle ladairus latevin
walled water just waits
and we float away in moonlight

swimming pool at sunrise
(an “angry, ugly, hate-maddened mob” threatened neighbors who came to swim at riverside pool in 1962)


drinking dining
seeing ships boats shoreline
southeast onto late afternoon riversea
sun slowly farther behind
lower then forgotten
steamer slipping into evening south
through nursing sharks under homebound heron
night sinking into past
so far
a speck of light
explodes all
and rainforest drips unsilent

valley and pigs

needle into bloodstream
congestive heart
escaping maelstrom of nothing.
or dews gather dreams
dancing labor streaming
down to world
falling out to stars
resting in wind and reeds
soulharbor fecundcity
estuary unlocked corridor unalchemy
of pulsing breathing green brown black and blue
just as nothing

expressway at sunrise
(the jones falls expressway opened from biddle street to the beltway in 1962)