all who wish walk here
listen and say
arms lock sweat lift
path unseen waiting earth
touch stones smell tubers watch burrows and webs
hail paths crossing
continuing together

all who wish walk here
listen and say
arms lock sweat lift
path unseen waiting earth
touch stones smell tubers watch burrows and webs
hail paths crossing
continuing together
was it new light
absent shadows
bold lines emerging contrast
absorbing and radiating strength
or universe in random beauty
winchester cumberland wheeling cincinnati
lousiville saint louis effner chicago
south bend muskegon mackinaw city
detroit sandusky cleveland ashtabula
erie buffalo rochester sodus point wilkes-barre
stroudsburg new york haddonfield cape charlie
washington baltimore
industrial america
black and white orchid red clay
grey lichen textured canvass
green sword fern cooled brown lava
dappled seabird dropping shit
dharma brothers stone building
mister clean perfume war clerks
knife to tongue to pen to pray
worthy suffering plain peace