vast classification and terminal

winchester cumberland wheeling cincinnati
lousiville saint louis effner chicago
south bend muskegon mackinaw city
detroit sandusky cleveland ashtabula
erie buffalo rochester sodus point wilkes-barre
stroudsburg new york haddonfield cape charlie
washington baltimore
industrial america

cargo pier at sunrise
(the maryland port authority acquired the general cargo facilities of the pennsylvania railroad on clinton street in canton in 1967)

zhujiang and patapsco

the eagle and dragon will become each other
only as snake and skunk
horse and hedgehog
goat and rabbit
monkey and moose
rooster and reindeer
dog and deer
pig and puma
rat and squirrel
ox and otter
tiger and wolf.

seagirt at sunrise
(captain o’donnell first arrived in baltimore town with a cargo of tea, china, silk, and satins from canton in 1785)

two-masted schooners

antelope and buckskin
defence, fidelity and enterprise
harlequin, nonesuch and sturdy beggar
careening and plunging in a gale.
beating to windward along a coast.
before the wind under clouds of canvass.
fresh away before brigs or frigates
on the wide-spread ocean

schooner at sunrise
(baltimore clippers dominated trade and warfare in the late 18th and early 19th centuries)