radio message to silk stockings

large shattering glass windows
rage coming up the road
coursing action
human lithosphere elastic
subsiding in eerie melody of alarms
then sunlit bayonets
faultlines recharging

gay street at sunrise
(several days of unrest resulting in twelve million dollars of property damage in 1968 first started in the four hundred block of gay street two days after martin luther king jr. was murdered)

things and charity

in a hall of heroes who died in vain
the loyal knew well the spoils of faith
a cardinals call rang out and up
falling like ash from a smokestack
then billowed back up
pouring out behind the council
and down the wide back stairs
a chorus of misled greed and hate
in awful polyphony with the rich father of mercy

war memorial at sunrise
(in 1966 at a city council meeting at the war memorial, hundreds and hundreds of the two thousand citizens attending booed cardinal sheehan’s advocacy for open housing legislation—which was, for the third time in three years, voted down by the council)


ships entering harbor
like wet wooden wedges
split air and stone
blood in a growing infant
bones stretch and seep into presence
encoded dust settles out
as beautiful coils
in grottos under lapping water
by a shore
packs of dogs sleep
in dry bushes and rusting metal

customs house at dawn
(the united states customs house on gay street opened in 1907)

born from violence and blood

the stone in the wall cries out
and the beam answers
from boot black cellars and house to house
an altar of regeneration forgiveness communication revelation and charity
shares without prejudice.
all creatures here below

gay street at sunrise
(in 1817 the bethel congregation of the african methodist episcopal church moved to a three-story brick building on fish street, saratoga west of gay)

volunteer independent

rivals and factions
mechanical union friendship deptford liberty
federal independent vigilant new market
columbian first baltimore united fells point franklin
washington patapsco howard watchman lafayette
monumental pioneer western mount vernon
woodframes and roaring flames
pellmell and terror
lighted windows and leather buckets and lanemen
white hatted officers axe hook and ladder men
sooty sweeps climbing to the sky.
street fights of children following engines home
hooting for their companies with fists sticks stones and missiles
brawling and letting blood.
fires fought and conquered with zeal and daring
resolve that however valuable as a fireman a member may be
if he is constitutionally turbulent and quarrelsome
it were better to dispense with his services

firehouse at sunrise
(the site of the independent fire company, started in 1819, remains on gay and ensor streets)

buried alive

an idyll
from the chattolanee dome of billion year old gneiss
cutting into half billion year old marble
through ghosts of volcanoes and coastal alluvium
to the estuary marsh,
blue veins in a breast gathering
dipping pond and deep and slaughterhouse and moores
rowland and towson and western
cold spring,
raccoon king fisher possum heron bear woodpecker
fox owl deer hawk bobcat parakeet beaver crane,
swimming holes and fishing spots and baptisms
fords and foot bridges and races.
a night terror
persecuted churning bridges walls
roiling horses cattle pigs carts carriages
floating furniture barrels timber humans.
an essence
what we will

jones falls and shot tower at sunrise
(in 1817 one of the worst of several severe foods resulting from the mismanagement of jones falls occurred)

liberty of the federal republican

silence is treason
and axes, hooks, and other instruments of destruction
have their own noise.
democracy sings
and beating, stabbing, and hot wax
discharge neuromuscular tension.
demagogues gluttons subalterns
trump distinction.
general stricker is not at home, cannot be seen, would do no more

on gay street at sunrise
(in 1812 the federal republican newspaper was destroyed for publishing anti-war commentary)