my mere embroidering
would be thread around and around inside the square
starts meeting ends
absorbing spring

my mere embroidering
would be thread around and around inside the square
starts meeting ends
absorbing spring
frackgas exploding under postpunk tunnelcore
whirlybirds would jam away
give us your liquid when you must die
you take your sleep
to mass kandace
iron works trade
live kale
boarding breakaway
wall pass
sweeper keeper
spider reached into the heart of a piano
with insect strength pulled out handfuls of strings
swung them overhead and around
casting ends over rafters and ropes
then pulled them all tight into chest
how they shined in the lights and threw weird shadows
a vibrating soundweb of hammer strike
as spider taps into a breakwalking dance en march
in a rain of flowers and cheers
our soldiers fire on people in the streets
between the buildings on the pavement
echo chamber roar
squeezes blood
out of eyes ears nose lungs
briefly faintly tinting the coastal waters
traces of anthropocene
benevolent corporations
sharing and sharing alike
on a wide sunlit treeshaded avenue
where young men learn great things
and sick heal.
father’s anthropocenic cryonic motherless toddlers
careen about the shrubbery
as birth and death sit chatting on the benches
his adolescents skateboard around the fountains
as truth and eternity remark upon the statuaries.
conestogas and teslas
roll slowly up and down his wide avenue
minding the traffic control devices and the speed of light.
in a building symmetrically added
someone may find the beginning of time
colliding continents
compress and congeal
veins of granite gabbro basalt
layers of sandstone limestone banded iron
shifting forming figuring
uplifting mountains of quartzite slate gneiss
through clouds
sun wind vapor rock resound
and rain flies like music through the valleys and streams
not within a half mile
for the reception of poor
vagrants, beggars, vagabonds, and other offenders
idle dissolute disorderly loiterers
who follow no trade, labor, or occupation
as shall be committed by justice.
especially for poor incapacitated by illness, old age, physical handicap, mental deficiency, or insanity
beds, bedding, tools, utensils, cows, horses, a doctor and his medicines
to acquire a livelihood.
for the successful trials of vaccination first on nancy then on others.
for beams of light in the dark grandeur of the soul.
intemperate or opiated
religiously perplexed or fanatic
grief stricken by loss of affection or property
indulgent of passion or pride
domestically unhappy.