if the worlds refugees could queue to pier nine
fantasys freedom and mirages bounty
would rise in a vast choir
exhaling the pain of sixteen centuries.
if we were to stop making refugees

if the worlds refugees could queue to pier nine
fantasys freedom and mirages bounty
would rise in a vast choir
exhaling the pain of sixteen centuries.
if we were to stop making refugees
through the bath the cistern and the hearth
a steady stream of living water
morning is warm and still in the low sun
for musters, examinations, and statements
pumps discharging.
there is the fort
the harbor in the distance
before steeples and shot towers.
now waiting
people are
the land
and animals.
brooks and babin and alexander
denys and doiron and brown
glode and gauterot and oliver.
refugees scatter in place and time
from land claimed by princes.
who would not annihilate can help build an alliance
horse, cart, and wagon
clatter over the public bridge
between meadow and marsh
over the stream.
from west and north and east
spinners and weavers, tanners, millers and brewers
barbers and tailors and shoemakers
coopers and wheelwrights and carpenters
butchers and bakers
to go to maryland
a young man unmarried
a blacksmith
a young man
who understands latin, greek, and mathematics
healthy young men and women
will meet with good encouragement and be well treated on board this vessel
six healthy men that understand farming
they must be sober and accustomed to labor
girls over eighteen years of age
who are unable to pay their full passage
will be assisted by a gentleman living in this country.
shall serve according to his/her power, wit, and ability
and honestly, orderly, and obediently
in all things demean and behave.
will be led to understand the meaning of life
and his/her place in it
summer is hot as in spain
winter is cold as in france
thunder and lightning purify the air,
in this place for industrious people.
just here no gold or silver with the iron ore
no way to sail to china
no forts or warriors to count.
but we thank you for the brass cross
and the wonderful map that showed so many the way
along the shores
hunters came
killing with stones
and harvesting,
always walking.
settling where fish teemed,
cultivating and weaving and potting
carving and tanning and painting.
andaste were hunting to the north of this backwater
when a lone shallop
rose on the water with the sun.
and slipped quietly past
over the longest mountains
and abyssal plains
we sailed