singing all over
deep rivers
no ways tired this far
day after day born
turning around you
in pleasure and grief
speak in red rising sun a few days more
fields of gold pure water
for never yes forever
bound to earth
explode in lightning

singing all over
deep rivers
no ways tired this far
day after day born
turning around you
in pleasure and grief
speak in red rising sun a few days more
fields of gold pure water
for never yes forever
bound to earth
explode in lightning
say war
say fight
say christ
say them
say us
wave wandyfingerpointingswirlinghands
cast the ancientfuturespells
in a rain of flowers and cheers
our soldiers fire on people in the streets
between the buildings on the pavement
echo chamber roar
squeezes blood
out of eyes ears nose lungs
briefly faintly tinting the coastal waters
traces of anthropocene
wishes follow footsteps
toward the binding sun
that owns souls every second all day
until evening melancholy music
walks unseen
alone without hope
bleeds in a dying dream that melts
like the last rose of summer
relieving every pain