magahaghe brocade

schooling in shimmering disruption infinite spectrum
eating raindrops
up a ladder through a stage beyond
all this current is ocean calling

why not at sunrise
(the baltimore transgender alliance became a transgender march of resilience in 2015)

fractal starbus

under our tarmac brick and mostly clay
fungi wires seeping pipes measured light
soil thru shoes thru brain in sky
capital entropy underneath
enzymes unshared
instead of leaves stretching sun gathering water together.

so some days
is it the weather my fingers feel like dying
material ceasing to cycle
nutrients not flowing

north avenue from fulton avenue at sunrise
(freddie gray was murdered by police in 2015 for no apparent reason)


my mere embroidering
would be thread around and around inside the square
starts meeting ends
absorbing spring

oncoming traffic on steel bridge at sunrise
(hannah brancato, joan m. e. gaither, deletta gillespie, rebecca nagle, kalima young launched the monument quilt in 2013)


waves crashing on a shore
ears dissolving
reach far into a universe of sound
where we live by the sea
deep low base pulses slowly
one day the sun will swallow you
soon enough in ecstasy
now is our one time together
swim with me

penn north at sunrise
(penn north, maryland community health initiatives, opened on pennsylvania avenue, just south of north avenue, in 1993)


thorny brambles chancewind swept
miles and miles of labyrinth
around pools seenandrumored
magic carpets flyingover
crash in tumblingscratchingskids
stopandfind the painachingsorryguiltymess
loudly contemplate
each footwoundpiercing step

administration building at sunrise
(baltimore polytechnic institute’s pre-engineering program was opened to 16 segregated students in 1952 after petitioning by the naacp and the urban league—poly was then at north avenue and calvert street)

arch action

five rings of fifteeen million bricks for lateral thrust
compressing space for veins of steel
passing protein and enzyme and impulse
through limbs and organs
of the growing body of human place
wanting more power.
slowly we ride submerged in darkness and strung light
alone apart atomic

south portal at sunrise
(the first train passed from the south portal of the baltimore and potomac tunnel near gilmore street to the north portal under north avenue in 1873)

with sense of public purpose

steel rhizomes patapsco to ontario
stems rise and spread flowering brick and pavement
woodberry blue mount bentley springs glen rock
trout run roaring branch cedar ledge pine valley
montour falls rock stream
some wither before blooming not sustained
energy from physics little understood

light rail at sunrise
(the cornerstone for the baltimore and susquehanna railroad, which would later become the northern centail railroad, was laid near north avenue in 1829)