in west baltimore you find rock hetch-hetchy-like promontories but oh my. elijah. banners of snow in a winter wind ice on fire in a spring sunrise huddled pine swelling ten thousand summers autumn stalwart big moon mirror elijah. death and peace in the mountains fountain of life we breathe we climb
(elijah cummings has been fighting the fascist coup since before j20)
floating in the streets on the water
a time mirage
the beginning of value trust exploitation
winds earthfired and solar sweep across
chappedsmooth hands dangle and grasp from walking torsosleeves
their notions predatory desperate seek dissipating warm glow
rocks that burn
pieces of stars
molded earth
minted metal
words that echo in dopamine
calculated payments
breathing dying debtors to the sun
(alex brown and sons, the baltimore-based first investment bank in the united states, was sold to bankers trust in 1997 and absorbed into deutsche bank two years later—brown memorial park avenue presbyterian church on park avenue and lafayette streets memorializes george, alexander’s son)
to go to maryland
a young man unmarried
a blacksmith
a young man
who understands latin, greek, and mathematics
healthy young men and women
will meet with good encouragement and be well treated on board this vessel
six healthy men that understand farming
they must be sober and accustomed to labor
girls over eighteen years of age
who are unable to pay their full passage
will be assisted by a gentleman living in this country.
shall serve according to his/her power, wit, and ability
and honestly, orderly, and obediently
in all things demean and behave.
will be led to understand the meaning of life
and his/her place in it
(indentured servants signed contracts before emigrating from britain and joining the colonial workforce)