laws made
taxes paid
more humane
more effective
wages salaries earned
votes cast
more informed
more moral
public served
children raised
influence made
knowledge gained
corruption reduced
influence weighed
work respected
viciousness wounded
(in 1913 female garment workers marched from the labor lyceum at 1203 east baltimore street, and boarded a train to washington dc to participate in the woman’s suffrage procession)
dividing and conquering
secures meat when there is prey
opportunity when there is insecurity
obsolete technology applied with brute force
fission uncontrolled, with limited fuel.
swirling in patriological event horizon
we reset the physics
or disappear
(johns hopkins hospital opened on broadway street in 1889, aggressively applying science to medicine—followed by the opening of its companion medical school in 1893 as a result of funds raised and provided by mary elizabeth garrett, who demanded equal access to the school for women)
a thorough, practical, accomplished and christian education,
fit the pupil for the faithful discharge of the responsible duties that await her
in life.
under an able and energetic faculty
an able body of teachers is thus being reared up.
while infants pray and oppressed rage and poets burn and prophets fade and fountains murmur and sons die and churches mold
in the half-life of superstition
(the female college of baltimore was established in 1849 on saint paul street and defunded in 1890)
freshest advices both foreign and domestic progress of the enemy intelligence from europe details of naval engagements received by last nights mail and from vessels arrived reported to the public of baltimore-town. true stories current prices newly open, to be sold, lost, letters left from the woman at the printing office on market street across from the coffee house who also delivered the mail through insurrection and war. only to be dismissed brand new corrupt government. with ingratitude incivility injustice beyond description
(baltimore town’s first newspaper, started in 1773 on market street, was co-edited by ms. goddard)
not within a half mile
for the reception of poor
vagrants, beggars, vagabonds, and other offenders
idle dissolute disorderly loiterers
who follow no trade, labor, or occupation
as shall be committed by justice.
especially for poor incapacitated by illness, old age, physical handicap, mental deficiency, or insanity
beds, bedding, tools, utensils, cows, horses, a doctor and his medicines
to acquire a livelihood.
for the successful trials of vaccination first on nancy then on others.
for beams of light in the dark grandeur of the soul.
intemperate or opiated
religiously perplexed or fanatic
grief stricken by loss of affection or property
indulgent of passion or pride
domestically unhappy.
(in 1773 the colonial legislature enacted a law for the establishment of an alms and work house outside baltimore town—the site selected was near howard, eutaw, and biddle streets)
whatsoever person or persons within this province
shall blaspheme god
shall be punished with death,
no person professing to believe in jesus christ shall be troubled.
we studied the glory of god in assurance of victory.
a choir sings at lot 19
that he comes with trumpets proclaiming
and every island and sea and mountain shall flee away.
iroquois say we return thanks to the sun
(in 1702 the church of england was established in the colony, and would later, continuing to now, occupy one of the original lots of the town)
to go to maryland
a young man unmarried
a blacksmith
a young man
who understands latin, greek, and mathematics
healthy young men and women
will meet with good encouragement and be well treated on board this vessel
six healthy men that understand farming
they must be sober and accustomed to labor
girls over eighteen years of age
who are unable to pay their full passage
will be assisted by a gentleman living in this country.
shall serve according to his/her power, wit, and ability
and honestly, orderly, and obediently
in all things demean and behave.
will be led to understand the meaning of life
and his/her place in it
(indentured servants signed contracts before emigrating from britain and joining the colonial workforce)