a steel vessel of army trucks
dieselsteamturbining into coastal marsh
attracting limpets alarmed now exploding
sinks into defoliated biome

a steel vessel of army trucks
dieselsteamturbining into coastal marsh
attracting limpets alarmed now exploding
sinks into defoliated biome
steel rolled out of marsh grass
spanning miles rising stories
web and flange
ground substance
bones tissue bound
arteries recoiling
hands on scaffold
keep us
twist bend and shear
fields of ore
slowly rain down coked solar fire updraft
roaring chamber explosion music
pooling separate
bleeding trickle into veins
tendriling opiate through biomass
automatrons harvest
feeding engineerimmortal dreams
not gary johnstown birmingham youngstown lackawanna
yawata dortmunde-horde port talbott magnitogorsk
morning mist so red
sky orange sun far off night glowing warm
red bellies hot entrails piss wash lightning cold
kitchen grilling steel eel
extruding endlessly
rolling shining exploded ore
burning boiling hotblast
plate structural strip sheet
tonnage crying screaming born
in massive sweating smoldering forceps
from axe hammer plane
turning fitting
schematic operation aligned adjusted predicted
hydraulic pneumatic
flying and setting
bearings and cables
soaring cranes wheeling spinning
from bronze age
factory and shop
parallel tension
essence of handiwork
belies petty greedhatred
standing good
in uninterrupted disturbance
everlasting uncertainty
to be swept away
me thy sanitizer
put shit in thy harbor
me thy onedollarman
put ironsulfur in thy lungs
me thy envirosultant
put cyanibenzene in thy cells
very few harbors in the world are clean
yup its raining dollars
my purse is around here somewhere
in tropical light
the white
rode the burrow
from santiago hacia las sierra maestra
sobre el rio juragua
hierro duro
de la tierra esponjos
on the semitropical marsh
tons of cold air exploded tons of molten iron
iron and carbon separating and rejoining
with blistered hands
charred faces
mangled arms
fractured skulls
into smooth hard slick steel
y en la selva humeda
on the broken tarmac