oxygen honeycombs human estuary of gas exchange cytoplasmic veils gently vibrating air and carbon glide through macrophagia angle toward contagion so we on the edge like reeds in the salty mud breath air and music for every second song of the universe
(in 2013 a massachusetts institute of technology study revealed the wheelabrator bresco trash incinerator has killed roughly eight thousand baltimore city residents since it began operating in 1985—destiny watford organized the curtis bay community to prevent an incinerator from being built there in 2016)
commissioners sprawl about the table
misters bonefish, toadley, macflie, spongeson, and mahlisck
overwhelming putrid farting with donated cigar smoke
dulling single minds with gifted liquor
playing pocketpool with rolls of dough
sharing needles of noxious high
too many kings in the strange deck
they gamble away
children asleep by a coalbin outside
dream of greenfields and bent fishingpoles
(in 1922 southern and eastern districts were zoned entirely, including pockets of existing communities, for heavy industry)
carotid arteries reaching
into mind
onto face
move with moon
feed sun oxygen iron metalion
wash waste
tidal rivers into cityorganic
through talltufted reeds
winds piping away
(in 1918 areas west and south of middle branch and around curtis bay, and immediately-surrounding suburbs west, north, and east were annexed in the interest of commerce: port control and size matters)
shuck shagged flies
found foul balls
brought good luck sleeping the first inning
minded the park
ate scraps
felt like a friend and seemed to know.
two light brown ears bent like bats wings
white face and chest
brown and white sox.
park home
time game
play team.
shucks panted smiling
never left
go see him there
(established in 1916, the black sox played at westport park near annapolis road and clare street from 1917 to 1920)