sliding on water
cutting into semiliquid
flying on unbonded ice
in the ferry channel by empty anchorages
over shoals
by thomas cove
past points lookout wagners leading stony rocky sandy
moss goose pond
whitehall bay
onto the severn
around the frozen hemisphere
(1893 was one of the years when winter ice covered the patapsco and much of the chesapeake bay)
in a dirty dreary ramshackle place
muggsy uncle robbie ee-yah wee willie kingpin big dan
heinie steve frank boileryard
sadie bill kid bert count duke
stub old wax figger
bunt chop run sacrifice impede impose slug argue
in front over around and through
giants beaneaters phillies grooms spiders pirates and colts
kelly smells precisely every ball out in the high grass
but sits in the dugout panting
(the baltimore orioles, the baseball dynasty of the 1890s, played at union park between 24th, 25th, hunter, and barclay streets)
wishes follow footsteps
toward the binding sun
that owns souls every second all day
until evening melancholy music
walks unseen
alone without hope
bleeds in a dying dream that melts
like the last rose of summer
relieving every pain
(the music hall, now called the lyric or the modell performing arts center, opened in 1895 on mount royal avenue with a boston symphony orchestra concert)
my love sails on the wind
before dawn
strides on sinewy calves and thighs
up hills in morning light
smiles bright compassion
around gathering people
reaches warmly with dark eyes
into those looking from the crowd
speaks with bold clear song
toward the settling sun
(temple oheb shalom dedicated the eutaw place temple in 1892 and used it until 1960—the baltimore hebrew, har sanai, and chizuk amuno congregations also built temples in west baltimore in the early 1890s)
i met paul on the double track racer
sitting together
up so slow
to the apex
moonlight on water
water all below
free we fly
side by side
down in gravitys waterfall
faster than the other track.
i sail with the merchant marine
paul keeps order in a counting house
and covers the waterfront when i am at sea.
have the
wars and votes and villas and what.
not notorius ribald wild
we walk together in riverview
a band plays
eubie and noble and un maestro italiano
we are together on boardwalk benches
(in 1890 riverview park, the first of half a dozen local amusement parks, opened for whites on point breeze on the shores of colgate creek and the patapsco, south of what is now broening highway—it closed in 1929—gwynn oak was the last to close, in 1973)
over the next crest
in another dell
around the hedge end
we will find ourselves together
speaking of pain and sweat and hunger and michelangelo
in a human register
next steps falling natural
as we plan our survival
alone cojoined
(sunset path, connecting hillside and club roads, is one of many footpaths in roland park, which was developed by the roland park company starting in 1891, the first of several developments exclusively for white christians—a policy the company never altered before dissolving in 1959)
in tropical light
the white
rode the burrow
from santiago hacia las sierra maestra
sobre el rio juragua
hierro duro
de la tierra esponjos
on the semitropical marsh
tons of cold air exploded tons of molten iron
iron and carbon separating and rejoining
with blistered hands
charred faces
mangled arms
fractured skulls
into smooth hard slick steel
y en la selva humeda
on the broken tarmac
(after buying mineral rights to ore deposits in cuba 1882, the pennsylvania steel company bought sparrows point in 1887 and started producing steel there in 1889)
dividing and conquering
secures meat when there is prey
opportunity when there is insecurity
obsolete technology applied with brute force
fission uncontrolled, with limited fuel.
swirling in patriological event horizon
we reset the physics
or disappear
(johns hopkins hospital opened on broadway street in 1889, aggressively applying science to medicine—followed by the opening of its companion medical school in 1893 as a result of funds raised and provided by mary elizabeth garrett, who demanded equal access to the school for women)
pink white yellow red orchidmesmerized
orange tea rose thymeinfused
smooth velvet pricklytouched
i am transported
to another place in time
only here and now
(howard peters rawlings conservatory and botanic gardens of baltimore, opened as the druid hill conservatory in 1888, thrives in druid hill park—unlike conservatories installed in carroll, clifton, and patterson parks and later demolished)