a eutaw place

babies and spiders are water web spanning womb and world

our blue eyed koi leapt out of its pond
so we found it not breathing
on the bricks next day
it belongs to the universe
more than me

forever shriek promenade
how do you not hold a most beautiful flower
and petals start falling

so charlie and i are walking out west
all the way to pan handle
golden gate

from some kind of garden
hope free

a eutaw place fountain at sunrise
(eutaw place was building when skrik was painted – this planet has demonstrated over and over that whatever it comes up with after we are gone will be beautiful)

where has the ball been

how we hail shiningone near marketplace
in greenfields browntracks under deep blue
crack bat snap glove untouch threaded leather spiderlike in timejust
mindmuscle honor unworn
passing beyond fields seeminglory
descending in shadow rivers streams bayous puddles mud
with glowingother runners shooters
of blood dark serpentine onto paved streets
carrying loads of rubber steel petrol spectaclesoul.
shiningone glowingother meeting
swallow brownred nipples purplepink glans
beads of sweat electric lips
bodytouch mindgive
glowingother to stride in greenfields browntracks
sprinting hurling birthrite joyous spacegrave
beyond where roses fade

retro stadium at sunrise
(oriole park at camden yards opened in 1992)

la bella en santuario

my love sails on the wind
before dawn
strides on sinewy calves and thighs
up hills in morning light
smiles bright compassion
around gathering people
reaches warmly with dark eyes
into those looking from the crowd
speaks with bold clear song
toward the settling sun

oheb shalom at sunrise
(temple oheb shalom dedicated the eutaw place temple in 1892 and used it until 1960—the baltimore hebrew, har sanai, and chizuk amuno congregations also built temples in west baltimore in the early 1890s)