orbs lofted into gentle arc
falling toward event horizon
speed of center
spinning motion
surrounding air buffeting flight
uneven friction unbalancing
gravities love embraces

orbs lofted into gentle arc
falling toward event horizon
speed of center
spinning motion
surrounding air buffeting flight
uneven friction unbalancing
gravities love embraces
words about our fraught body beautiful
sky in spring egg blue
struggle passion
matadors and gravity
baseballs flying straight pure natural
nobody nothing but here
boarding breakaway
wall pass
sweeper keeper
urbanjanuary greybrown
others left out on ribbons of steel and oil
welcome black wings circling through
undaunted desolation
into the storm dreaming
valkerae crawling thru bright rings of perception
lostlove stabbed and bleeding play rebirth in dripping velvet
arresting music draws them into kaleidoscope writhing zombie snakes
disappearing in paintsplash come to life in ballet circus serpent coalescing
float apart as dreams swirl and collide in drowning passion
unfurl as sails flying in ocean blood red glittering gold
windbuzzing canvass folds mantis fly beetle bee combusting popping clapping hands
smoke flattens screening filtering shapes into stop and go
protofungoteria oxygen fueled cellsuponcells reptofloweringflying glitterdelight
they sing the waging war of sundust conquerlust eartharvest in laughter
march in loudly colored ballooning hoops of lovechild rhyme
step onto fourwheeled footcarts in globemirrored zoomrevue
waterglobe dancestorm seaquesting in bluegreenscarletyellow
portalexploring in darkcrime
rolling sold out streets into forcefield happiness
sleuthingtopia slaverybuilt boomsechoing
fantasies disintegrating deconstructing into lifestoria
reelspinturnwhirling soundunfurious stretching spiralfate they celebrate
there speeds the running one
muscular aggressive flying edge
fluid defense fast break football
driving colts away to bachelor bands
half-ton thundering heroes wheel and chase
pure and mighty
before dayafter battle scavengers caw and play
how we hail shiningone near marketplace
in greenfields browntracks under deep blue
crack bat snap glove untouch threaded leather spiderlike in timejust
mindmuscle honor unworn
passing beyond fields seeminglory
descending in shadow rivers streams bayous puddles mud
with glowingother runners shooters
of blood dark serpentine onto paved streets
carrying loads of rubber steel petrol spectaclesoul.
shiningone glowingother meeting
swallow brownred nipples purplepink glans
beads of sweat electric lips
bodytouch mindgive
glowingother to stride in greenfields browntracks
sprinting hurling birthrite joyous spacegrave
beyond where roses fade
looseball clap
crosscheck crack
body board boom
carpet rumble
headbash contusion
horizontal dispersion breakaway
coconuts dropping down south
who the hell
any pitch any curve
there will be lightning
know where to cover
wild bulls raising dust at your feet
knuckles flying like egg salad
high small fastballs
zeros and ones
ghostly eyes linger about posts
helicopters of human torso hover
immaculate hands rise skyward earthward
mouths shout bombs prayers hailing echowire
over bloody knees aching thighs tumbling
shoulders concrete into ribs frozen mud
unite us to bury
thunder galloping home