go stop something horrible – seven locks to over the falls road

four dirty whitecream blockwalls two steel bunks
one steel sink commode
one scratched out shaving mirror above the steel sink
one steel deskette with one round steel secured seat
a window
six inches by six feet
razor wire fence narrow strip of trees
traffic on i-270 constant light at night
one ten stories horizontal light grey and charcoal stripes
then sky
nowhere else
well come with me on our quest to survive

it has come to this we sing we chant
swim stand before movement toward a great waterfall
of human debris toward over the top plummeting to be lost
quietly boiling cesspool
for fucking ever eternity
billie echoing into jupiter
luciano too
silenced machines slowly absorbed frigid blistering expanding space
without us
except random particles reverberating waves
hands on the human raft
shouts over deafening precipice
heard not heard
our momentum event paradise horizon

i saw hawk and dove flying together toward horizon of grey winter
closer closer melting together
banking turning a solitary eagle
higher higher almost lost in grey
diving straight toward me
larger larger
so much faster than this poem
me walking the open field
striking into me before the poem even started
paine intensely brief
despite the poem walking on in the field
stepping through ashes in tufts of grass
charred melted feathers human feet sticking hair
it wants to be beautiful
it wants to jog run jump taking flight
it wants to be a supremacist libtard lovechild
odiferous damask musk charred bone
hatching opening flower of your choice
moulting growing unfolding above and onto a mountaintop
valley of beautiful shattering sunlight neverlasting life

respect for e3
heroes of spirit caged yet free
walk in nights flourescent caves
tread deep rivers of scrutinized solitude
recon junkyards of their brothers schemes
chart uncharted worlds mind wandering
explore our human soul slaying
each and every breath

my lunar cell eyes track a waning half moon
across a very narow window in a cold block wall
wishing reflected new sun light a direct current
generating pillow soft warm sleep
sonorous breathing in time bundling dreams
left ear ringing resounding in right

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