
measured unmeasured states
bathed in stellar wind
explosive expansion waves excite a planet
shapeshifters save us
from dying in half sky

space institute at sunrise
(a meeting on the status of women in astronomy was convened in 1992 at the space telescope institute at 3700 san martin drive)

where has the ball been

how we hail shiningone near marketplace
in greenfields browntracks under deep blue
crack bat snap glove untouch threaded leather spiderlike in timejust
mindmuscle honor unworn
passing beyond fields seeminglory
descending in shadow rivers streams bayous puddles mud
with glowingother runners shooters
of blood dark serpentine onto paved streets
carrying loads of rubber steel petrol spectaclesoul.
shiningone glowingother meeting
swallow brownred nipples purplepink glans
beads of sweat electric lips
bodytouch mindgive
glowingother to stride in greenfields browntracks
sprinting hurling birthrite joyous spacegrave
beyond where roses fade

retro stadium at sunrise
(oriole park at camden yards opened in 1992)