city in city

mortar melting and blowing away
through night and day
when time lapse
rises a fiery vision quest
expanding wings eyes mouths pulsing
roaring diffused
many thousands dream

oceans right down hill
absorb soaring vision after vision after vision
space beyond absorbs ocean after ocean
absorbs itself
music diffused
many more thousands dream

gothic high school at sunrise
(city college high school moved from center and howard streets to its present location on a hill between the alameda, loch raven boulevard, and thirty-third street in 1928)

our most sanguine expectations

a beautiful white villa in the glade on the hill
as symmetrical as mercantile interests and power
evaporates like conversations forgotten
and repeating

montebello at sunrise
(general samuel smith, of montebello near the alameda and 33rd streets, exercised power politics at the local, state, and national levels through the first four decades of the 19th century)